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Parent Education Talk "Helping & Letting Go: The Ways to Nurture the Ability of Self Care of Young Children"


The Education Bureau has entrusted the Education University of Hong Kong to organise a series of parent education talks according to the curriculum of kindergarten. The lastest topic of the talk is ""Helping & Letting Go: The Ways to Nurture the Ability of Self Care of Young Children", which aims to help parents understand the self-care ability in different ages, as well as how to help children acquire such ability. Due to the pandemic, the mentioned talks are published in the form of video, and it has been published on the YouTube Channel of the EDB (There are also the videos of parent education talks organised by EdUHK earlier uploaded for parents to review).

The link of the talks: 

Parents could visit the website "Parent Education Information at Kindergarten Stage" of the EDB for related PowerPoint, Tips for Parents and othe parent education related information etc. (Path: Students and Parents Related > Parents Related > Parent Education Information at Kindergarten Stage):