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1920 Principal testimony 2 “Suspension of classes and keep playing” Use games to help children develop different ability


Principal testimony 2

Principal Ho Mun Yan,Cecilia 10/03/2020

Suspension of classes and keep playing

Children love to play; games help children enjoy learning and games help children whole-person development.

‘Joyful learning through play, balanced development all the way’ is the main point of curriculum guide in 2017.

There are four types of play

  1. Pretend play
  2. Construction play
  3. Physical play
  4. Games with rules

Parents takes time to play with their children in everyday, include those four types of play can foster relationship between parents and children. Moreover, games can help their children recognizing ability, social, emotional, and physical skills.

Games have different changes, it interesting and exciting. There are some sharing of these plays.

  1. Pretend play
    1. Role-play different characters such as doctor, chef, or superman.
  2. Construction play
    1. Lego, play dough, build blocks or paper roll
  3. Physical play
    1. Running, jump rope, play basketball, throwing bean bags or obstacle games
  4. Games with rules
    1. Chess, card games or tic tac toe

The childhood of a happy child is full of fascinating memories. The company of parents, every smile, every hug, every high-five and every sentence of appreciation also encourages the child to be more energetic, more engaged, and more focused on various kinds of different activities, so that the child's own potential can be displayed. Let's play the game together and bring out infinite creativity!