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18-19 Principal testimony 1 Grow in love


Principal testimony 1

Thank God! Let me join the big family of Lock Tao Christian Kindergarten. In the new school year, I hope that every child will grow up healthy and happily, receive the love and care of his family, and establish a good relationship and sense of security with different people through daily life, and enhance confidence and self-image.

We will arrange different forms of parent participation activities later, allow parents to learn and play with their children in school, such as parent volunteer work, parent-child trip and parent-child observation; children can learn to get along with their teachers, peers and adults. It can improve their language expression and social skills and self-confidence. I hope that family and school will work together to cultivate the balanced growth of children.

Grow in love

Let children grow with encouragement, and they will learn to be confident.
Let children grow up in tolerance, and they will learn to be patient.
Let children grow in praise, and they will learn to appreciate.
Let children grow with support, and they will learn to like themselves.
Let children grow in acceptance, and they will learn to love others.
Let children grow in sharing, and they will learn to be generous.
Let children grow up in reality, and they will learn to be honest.
Let children grow up in kindness and consideration, and they will learn to respect each other.
Let children grow up in safety, and they will learn to trust themselves and others.
Let children grow up in kindness, and they will learn the beauty of the world.
Finally, don't forget to let your children grow up in love.


“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
The Bible(Proverbs 22:6)