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Christmas Celebration cum Thanksgiving Worship 2022


The Love of God Surrounded Us

Celebrating Christmas Together
Christmas is a joyful occasion to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as HE loves all of us. Children in Lock Tao Christian Kindergarten always pray, sing hymns, listen to bible stories, and share love in their daily live.

Worshiping Together
During the Christmas Service, children participated with their favourite clothes and Christmas hat. Our school chaplain, Miss Yuen, shared the message from the bible, so as to let children understand the meaning of Christmas, and to share this good news with their family and friends, believing Jesus Christ received such grace from our Lord.

Gift Giving
Children specially made some birthday gifts for Jesus, such as Christmas wreath, Christmas tree, birthday card and pictures etc., as the token of their appreciation to HIM.

Sharing Love, Loving to Share
Children celebrated a unforgettable Christmas together with their principal, teachers, janitors and classmates by worshiping Jesus, playing fun games and photo taking.

We wish all of you filled with the love of Jesus and health. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!