Principal testimony2
Home- school collaboration to cultivate active and joyful children
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and he will not deviate even when he is old."
"Let the children come to me, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs."
The Bible tell us that Lord loves children, and we should lead them in the path they should take, so that they can know the Lord from a young age. Understand the truth and life is bestowed by the Lord. I believe that children who grow up in love and care will know how to cherish and their life, love the Lord and love others.
The pre-school education stage is a critical period for children’s growth. A child is like a small seedling and requires careful cultivation by adults.It will slowly nurture and thrive. We must cultivate seedlings with love, learn, play and play together with children share the joy of their growth. Every child is a unique individual, with different interests, strengths and weakness, personalities, learning patterns, backgrounds, etc.
We must respect every child, accept their individual differences, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Young children are active learners. They will learn and understand all kinds of things around them through their senses through personal experience and experience. In their daily lives, children continue to accumulate learning experience and construct knowledge, and play is their life. Their learning is gradual, as long as giving them appropriate learning stimuli can arouse their learning interest and learning motivation. They will find the joy of learning, enjoy the joy of learning, and become children who are "willing to learn, good at communication, dare to try, and dare to innovate".
School is a place where children learn and grow. A learning environment full of inducement, love, care, and safety allows children to enjoy the fun of learning, connect learning with life, and enable them to learn spiritually, cognitively, language, socially, emotionally, and physically. , from Balanced development in all aspects such as management. Early childhood education courses must focus on cultivating children’s curiosity, observation skills, creativity, problem-solving skills, resilience, and multi-angle thinking abilities, to promote and build children’s will, autonomy, hardworking and diligent attitude. To achieve the development and cultivation of the whole person.
We put emphasize on home-school collaboration. Parents are the school’s partners, and the whole-person development of children depends on the cooperation between parents and the school. Schools must let parents understand the importance of children’s development needs, abilities, and interests to their children’s growth. At the same time, let parents understand the importance, affirmation, encouragement, understanding and positive comments on children, which will help children build their self-image and enhance children’s development, confidence, and responsibility on every aspect.