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The “Little Explorers” Widening Their Horizon ~ Visiting Ho Koon Nature Education Cum Astronomical Centre


K3 children were excited and looked forward to the trip. They got on the shuttle bus and were ready for their trip to Ho Koon Nature Education Cum Astronomical Centre located in Tseung Wan exploring in the nature.

1st Station: The Amazing Way of Life under Microscope

The microscopes led children entering a huge world of living things. We could see tiny living things becoming huge like a giant, demonstrating in front of children. Children observed spiders and they were very engaged and interested. They were curious about the nature.

2nd Station: Collage of the Nature

Children looked for different natural materials and made a beautiful collage artwork with their creativity . They enjoyed and were engaged in the activity. Throughout the process, they experienced the fun of learning through different sensory, such as sight, smell and touch, and they had many discoveries, like the shape, texture and smell of the leaves. They exchanged thoughts during the activity, expressing their opinions, and their artworks were finished with their own characteristics and creative ideas.

The Last Station: Searching with Computerised Telescope

Children changed into little astronomers trying to control the computerised telescope. Let’s be the future explorers of the galaxy together!

Children were happy and satisfied after their visit, and they were amazed by the creations of our Lord. Through visits, we help children discover interesting things in their daily life and the nature, hoping to nurture their curiosity and creativity, enhancing their interest in scientific exploration and problem solving abilities, as well as their awareness of their living environment and the nature. We hope to enhance their knowledge and interest of astronomy, guiding them to explore the amazing galactic world.