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新界 將軍澳 健明邨彩明商場 一號平台 一號幼稚園校舍

Welcome guests from the Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research of the University of Hong Kong Visiting Our School


We were thankful for the visit of Dr. Lam Wai Ip and Dr. Hui Sau Yan from the Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research of the University of Hong Kong, understanding about the experience of our school implementing Chinese Language education and supporting non-Chinese speaking children.

They went into our classrooms exchanging ideas and thoughts with teachers, and interacting with children, giving is professional opinions and teaching demonstration, so that our school could keep enhancing the effectiveness of the implementation of Chinese language education and support for non-Chinese speaking children. It was an honour of our school to have the two professionals sharing with us, and thanks again for the visit.