We would like to thank the Direction Association for the Handicapped for implementing the "Life Education" program and arranging for "Life Fighter" to visit kindergartens to instill positive energy in students, enhance their resilience and empathy, and sow the seeds of perseverance in the hearts of the next generation.
Man Wah, a "Life Fighter" has limited mobility due to illness and needs an electric wheelchair to get around. She shared with the students her experiences before and after her injury, as well as the difficulties she encountered in self-care, family and peer relationships, and work. She also explained how to overcome psychological obstacles and face adversity, inspiring students to learn to use a positive attitude to overcome the various challenges they may encounter in life.
Man Wah’s favorite sport is boccia, and during the activity, she personally taught the children how to play. Through inclusive sports, she allowed children to experience the joy of movement and helped promote integration between people with and without disabilities. We have become good friends with Man Wah!