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Physical Fitness and Health - Parent-Child Physical Fitness Carnival


In a good morning of a Saturday, the best thing is undoubtedly doing a little bit parent-child exercise. Parents and children participate in the Jockey Club Home-School Physical Fitness Academy for Kindergartens and attend the "Parent-Child Physical Fitness Carnival" held by the school.

The children and parents were all energetic and enter the primary school hall with a happy mood, ready to participate in parent-child physical activities together. Coaches from Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China led the activities, including warm-up exercises, parent-child fitness games, parent-child competitions, and relaxation activities. Through elements such as running, jumping, throwing, and climbing, parents and children interact physically, allowing parents and children to experience the fun of exercise, enhance parent-child relationships, and increase parental awareness of the importance of physical development for young children.

We hope that children will develop good habits of regular exercise from a young age, have a good physical fitness, maintain a happy body and mind, and have a good social life, cultivating positive values and a positive attitude in children.